2 Year Blogiversary

About two years ago, I turned to my boyfriend in our then shared office in our first apartment and told him that I think I’m going to start a blog. I had a small planner page that I started to share how I managed working full time and going to school full time. I’ve always had a planner and I’ve always had goals, but it wasn’t until I really started following the #plannercommunity that I found the motivation to actually write down my goals and actually make plans to achieve my goals. & part of the reason I started my blog was for others to do the same.

Which is why I’ve decided to give away TWO planners Erin Condren LifePlanner’s for my blogiversary!

The giveaways will begin next week & I will have two different giveaways: one on Instagram & one on YouTube. I will announce the giveaways on both of those platforms so make sure that you’re following me on both!

Thank you ALL again so much for all of your continued support! ♡