
The Erin Condren Affiliate Program, or #ECsquad, is for content creators, story tellers, anyone with an online platform that wants to work with Erin Condren. I had the opportunity to sit down with Tori who is in charge of the EC Affiliate Program before the #ECsquad brunch in Dallas and talk all about the program. I told her I was creating a video all about the EC Squad (which is a long story but sadly didn’t end up happening due to technical difficulties) & she gave me a lot of information to share with y’all. So this post will cover everything from applying to become an Erin Condren Affiliate to how collaborations work.


I will start at the beginning with applying. At Erin Condren, there are two people who work with affiliates, Samantha Kuhr and Tori Johnson. Sam and Tori have completely taken the affiliate program to the next level. They keep everyone updated with upcoming information about the company to assist affiliates.

There are two different ways to apply to be apart of the Erin Condren Affiliate Program:
1. ShareASale
2. RewardStyle

You have to apply and be accepted to either RewardStyle or ShareASale first.

RewardStyle is designed for bloggers and social media influencers and is a lot harder to get into.

ShareASale is a lot easier to get into.

Once you’re accepted to either, you can work with the brands available on those sites. If you are a planner page that wants to work with Erin Condren the I would recommend applying through ShareASale. When you apply for the Erin Condren Affiliate Program on the Erin Condren website it automatically gives you the option to sign up for ShareASale or login if you already have an account.

Once approved to ShareASale or RewardStyle, you apply to be apart of the Erin Condren Affiliate Program (EC Squad). From there, they will review your application.

What Erin Condren is Looking For when you apply

From Tori (the one who will be reviewing your application):

  • Social Media Platforms While its not necessarily mandatory to have multiple social media platforms (i.e. Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, AND a Blog) it is something that they look at & do take in consideration.
  • Quality of Content When reviewing your application they also look at your photos and how you share your content.
  • Followers & Engagement Of course numbers are important. However, Tori did mention that the engagement on your page (likes, comments, etc) is just as important followers (if not more so).

Erin Condren takes everything listed above into consideration. From my understanding, they are mainly looking to see if you reflect the brand and determine if you would be a good brand ambassador. So don’t be discouraged to apply if you feel like you don’t have a lot of followers. I applied to the Erin Condren Affiliate Program through ShareASale around 2 years ago and at the time, I didn’t start my blog yet. I just had a planner page on Instagram with around 200 followers. My photos and posts looked NOTHING like they do now. The best part about Erin Condren is that they understand that you have to start somewhere.

The Erin Condren Affiliate Program

Once you’re accepted to the Erin Condren Affiliate Program, you receive monthly newsletters with updates on the company and opportunities.

There are different tiers. The tier your are is determined by your content and sales. These tiers help determine collaboration requests. Tori gave me several examples on how the tiers work. She is allotted different amounts of products for different launches. The tiers come into play when she’s allotted specific amounts of product. For example, if Tori could send 500 people the new Focused Collection then she would send the Collaboration opportunity in the monthly newsletter. Interested affiliates would then apply to participate in the Focused Collection opportunity. So if 1,500 affiliates apply to participate in the collaboration then she would essentially work her way down the tier list. However she did mention that, based on the collaboration, she tries to disburse opportunities in the different tiers and will always try to save products (if possible, based on the collaboration) for those new or smaller affiliates/in the bottom tier who are creating good content and have high engagement.


One of my favourite things about Erin Condren is that they do not tell you what to say and they do not pay for posts. Some companies give you a speech or tell you what to say & you end up hearing the same thing. It’s not genuine and it’s honestly just annoying. When I was talking to Tori about this at the #ECsquad brunch, she said that Erin doesn’t like to do paid posts because she believes in just sending the products to allow honest reviews. Which I absolutely love & is just one of the MANY reasons why Erin Condren is my favourite brand to work with.

There are different types of collaborations. In November, I did 3 collaborations with Erin Condren for the: Winter Surprise Box, Holiday Gifts, & Focused Collection that I will go into specifics about how each one works below:

Winter Surprise Box

A surprise box collaboration is a very different kind of collaboration. There are limited quantities so not many affiliates receives the opportunity to receive one and information about the box cannot be released until after the box ships to keep everything a secret.

Holiday Gifts

Erin Condren will have product launches multiple times throughout the year for different products other than their LifePlanner, Deluxe Monthly Planners, Teacher Lesson Planners, and season surprise boxes that launch around the same time every year. Generally, for new product collaborations, you receive the items a week or few days before the launch to review and prepare your content.


Erin Condren’s #ECSQUAD Influencer Brunch

Influencer Brunch’s started after Tori took over the Affiliate Program. I attended the one in Dallas and had a lot of fun! The brunch was an opportunity to meet with other affiliates, talk about planners, meet Tori and other EC employees, learn more about Erin Condren and just have fun. Below are photos from the event provided by Erin Condren:

Mimosa Bar
Mimosa Bar
Mimosa Bar
Coffee Bar

Being apart of the #ECsquad

As I mentioned earlier, I’ve been an affiliate with Erin Condren for about two years. I started through ShareASale and now that I am a RewardStyle influencer I can link EC products through there RewardStyle (on LIKEtoKNOW.it) as well so I actually used both platforms. I absolutely LOVE being apart of the Erin Condren Affiliate Program. I’ve always loved the brand but being apart of the #ECsquad has just made me love the brand even more. Tori is absolutely amazing to work with and both Tori and Sam have really made the #ECsquad something special to be apart of.

If y’all have any questions on the Erin Condren Affiliate Program please leave them on this Instagram post & that way others can see additional questions/information. Although the video I was going to create this month did not work out, I will create a video in the month of January so y’all can see behind the scenes on collaborations!


Click here to join the Erin Condren Affiliate Program.