
Its finals week! There are so many different techniques to study & everyone studies differently. But I wanted to share some of my favourite tips & how I study:

  • Turn off all distractions. During the semester, I turn off iMessage from my Mac & MacBook Pro. When I’m studying, I flip my phone over. If you have kids or need to answer the phone for an emergency or something among those lines then use “Do Not Disturb” on your phone & you can allow favorites to call. Also turn off music, the TV, & computer. Anything tempting or potentially distracting.
  • Notes. I use the Erin Condren Productivity Notebook in class. When a professor says that a concept or term is important than I write it on the side bar. So then when I go back to study I know what I need to focus on.
  • Index Cards. I take important terms, concepts, anything that the instructor says will be on the exam/midterm/final or an exam guide (if the instructor is nice to provide a study guide), & everything that I put in my notebook as important on the productivity side bar & write down everything on index cards. I put the concept or term on the front & explanation on the back. Then, I underline key terms (on the explanation on the back) & color coordinate (with EC markers) by chapter. My goal when making the index cards is to write everything I need to know on the cards so I don’t have to flip through my textbook & notes while studying so everything is in one spot.
  • Index Cards + Notebook. I flip through & read the index cards. Then when it gets closer to the test, I will quiz myself by writing down the definition or concepts/key words (what’s on the back of index cards) in my notebook. So I will read the top of the card, write down the definition/concept &/or how I remember it (acronym or drawing).
  • Day before. I read the index cards and start to quiz myself. By this point, I make sure I know at least 95% of the content.
  • Day of. I grab someone to quiz me & I make sure I know everything on the index cards or the important key words that will help me remember.

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