Erin Condren Deluxe Monthly Planner Review & Inspiration

The Deluxe Monthly Planner from Erin Condren is my FAVOURITE planner. I love the LifePlanner & Academic Planner but the Deluxe Monthly can be used for literally anything: budgeting, blogging, work, school, hobbies, & you can even use it as your main planner. This year’s version has TABS and is much more customizable. I love that there is less structure so you can get creative & do SO much with it!


Year View
The Year View has a 18 month glance of the rest of 2018 to 2019. These pages are normally used to mark holidays, vacation, important days, bills, pay days, weddings, events, & so on usually with Colorful Circles.

The Dreams Page has 12 boxes that you can use for each month or for 12 different categories. This page can be used a monthly tracker, savings tracker, sinking funds tracker for budgeting, goals tracker, fitness tracker, project tracker, or even for highlights for each month. In my Deluxe Monthly for budgeting I use this as a monthly savings tracker, in my Deluxe Monthly for blogging I use this as a quick over view for stats & goals for my blog, & in my personal I use this for monthly highlights & goals. If you’re using this planner for work then this would be great to put monthly goals/results (based on your job), each column can be used for each Quarter, you can use this to for work events or for information for different departments. If you’re using this planner for school this would make a great place for to track project & assignments for each month, write your schedule or class information, or for extracurricular activities.

Monthly Notes
Each month has a Note Page before the Monthly View & 4 Note Pages. This can be used for a monthly overview, monthly goals, to do lists, highlights for the month, budget for the month, & etc. I personally like using this as a monthly overview so everything is summarized on one page. Then inside each month will have more specifics & details.

Monthly View
The main page in all planners! I love that this years planners has the next months preview in the bottom right corner. Depending on what you use the planner for you can use the monthly view to mark bills, debits/credits, holidays, plans, due dates, & events.

Probably THE biggest change to the Deluxe Monthly Planner is that this year there are FOUR lined note pages! I know I’ve seen a lot of people comment on how they miss the productivity page & boxes but I love this so much better because you can make your own & make it work better for you. The Deluxe Monthly Planner can be used for so many different things & can be used for so much more now. For my blogging planner I’m using these pages to track weekly blog posts, special blog posts, ideas, dates, events, and goals. In my budget planner I’m using these pages for a debt track, weekly expenses, & to track bills. If you’re using this for school then each page can be used for a class or you can make individual pages for the month’s assignments, projects, exams, tests, study groups, notes, etc. For work or personal you can these four pages for each week of the month or for different categories!

Next Year
In every planner I use the Next Year option to write down important dates & events that are occurring based. I mainly use this page when I am moving into my new planner that way everything is in one spot that I need to add to my new planner! This can be used to track next year’s goals, vacations, movie dates, big events, & so on.

Note Pages & Included Stickers
In the New Deluxe Monthly you have to option to have 40, 80, or 120 pages & you have 2 sheets of stickers coiled in.

I love that the new Deluxe Monthly is a 2-in-1. I love that there is less structure to allow you to be more creative & customize your planner the way you want. I love the extra note pages option so I can keep everything in one planner! I actually uncoiled my last Deluxe Monthly to add my notebook pages because I wanted both options in one planner. This planner can be used for ANYTHING & I love it.