The Final Semester

Today is the start to my last semester of coursework for my Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) in Business Analytics. The journey has been long and challenging, filled with late-night study sessions, countless research papers, and a profound sense of growth and discovery. With comprehensive exams approaching in October and the coveted status of “doctoral candidate” within reach in December, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the journey so far and share my excitement and apprehensions about this final leg of my academic journey.

A Transformational Journey

Let’s start with, it is a journey. There’s ups and downs but it truly is impactful and transformative. Every semester, I found myself improving in different ways. Over the past few years, I have been exposed to a plethora of theories, methodologies, and practical applications that have challenged and broadened my horizons in unimaginable ways.

The Importance of Business Analytics

In today’s data-driven world (which is how I start most papers), the significance of business analytics cannot be overstated. It serves as the backbone of informed decision-making, enabling organizations to extract valuable insights from data and drive innovation, efficiency, and competitive advantage. My DBA journey has equipped me with the skills and knowledge to tackle complex business problems, make data-driven recommendations, and contribute meaningfully to the field of analytics.

The Road to Comprehensive Exams

One of the pivotal milestones on the path to completing my DBA is the comprehensive exams component that is currently scheduled for October. These exams are designed to assess your mastery of the core concepts, theories, and methodologies in the field of business analytics and what you have learned throughout your coursework. Truthfully, the thought of these exams is both exciting and nerve-wracking. It’s a moment of reckoning where I will have the opportunity to showcase everything I’ve learned and applied during my coursework.

Looking Forward to Candidacy

Upon successful completion of comprehensive exams and the end of the semester, I will finally attain the status of a doctoral candidate in December. This transition marks a significant turning point in my academic journey. It means that I will have completed the rigorous coursework and exams, and I can now fully focus on my dissertation research. The journey from student to candidate represents not just an academic achievement but a personal and professional milestone. I will also be one step closer to the biggest goal that I have ever set and closing in on my biggest dream,.

The Dissertation: A Journey in Itself

While the prospect of becoming a doctoral candidate is thrilling, it also means that the most challenging part of the journey lies ahead—the dissertation. This research endeavor will require deep exploration, critical thinking, and a commitment to contribute original knowledge to the field of business analytics. It’s a daunting task, but it’s also an opportunity to make a meaningful impact that I am very much looking forward to.


As I embark on my last semester of coursework for my DBA in Business Analytics, I am filled with a sense of gratitude for the experiences and opportunities along my academic journey. It’s truly been a transformative experience. The comprehensive exams in October and the path to candidacy in December are the stepping stones to a future filled with opportunities to make a meaningful impact in the world of business analytics. I look forward to sharing more of this exciting journey with y’all as it unfolds.

Thank you so much for joining me on this adventure!