Final Doctoral Residency

This week marked the culmination of an incredible journey as my cohort completed the last day of our final residency!

Over the past few years, I’ve immersed myself in intensive research, coursework, and hands-on experiences to deepen my understanding of business and analytics.

I am incredibly grateful for the support and guidance from my professors and fellow cohort who have been by my side throughout this challenging but rewarding process. Their expertise and encouragement have been invaluable, and I couldn’t have reached this milestone without them.

This entire week and every residency leading up to this has been such an incredible experience. I’ve mentioned in other content that if you are looking to pursuing a doctoral program, to find one with a residency component (or something similar).During residencies, we’ve had the opportunity to apply research to practice, sharpen problem-solving skills, and foster meaningful connections. These experiences have enriched my learning and prepared me for the next phase of the program as we approach our final semester of coursework and comprehensive exams in the coming months.

Below is the link to my FINAL residency vlog on YouTube and an ending segment on the experience as a whole: